What If...
What if...
fear keeps us from thinking clearly and making wise decisions?
What if...
an "us" versus "them" attitude, if allowed to fester, would lead to our destruction?
What if...
each of us were to take responsibility for our own actions instead of blaming and punishing others?
What if...
the perceptions we've given our creator God aren't limited to our personal and corporate beliefs?
Imagine a world where...
"Perfect Love" has the ability to take away our fear if we let it.
Imagine a world where...
we value others not like us, by spending time with and listening to their stories; discovering our common humanity.
Imagine a world where...
each of us takes responsibility for our actions - apologizing and making amends when we've caused another harm.
Imagine a world where...
each of us knows how it feels to be valued, nurtured and comforted by the presence of our creator "God" - author of "Perfect Love".
Imagine a world where...
there is Peace.
Note: With the conclusion of this blog and a brighter outlook, the memoir writing continues.