Monday, May 31, 2021

Advantages of a Staycation

As Jim and I approach the last two days of our almost week long staycation, we've found some advantages.  Instead of packing, we did a little spring cleaning a couple days before.  The house looks and feels more relaxing. 

There's no road lag from driving and no moving in and out of hotel rooms to get there.  Also, we're appreciating the money we saved.  

We're fortunate to live in a place with front facing windows that have a picturesque view, surrounded by a lot of green and some beautiful flowering plants.  The bees are having a field day with the rhododendrons.  

It's quiet, having turned off the various rings of on our cells phone. Cell phones aren't pinging all day long.  

For health reasons, while on vacation, we prepare most of our meals; cooking in our favorite kitchen is an added bonus. Though we did get one take out meal from a local restaurant.

Both of us got in some of our best exercise due to a friendly challenge, thanks to Virgin Pulse. We're both on teams of five. Jim is in second place on his team.  On my team there are two of us competing for second place.  It's been great to be able to complete 20,000 steps a day.  The challenge ends soon.

There's also been time to listen to the birds, take some photos and read, but most of all to rest our minds.  This being our second staycation, we've found that once the vacation is over, we can make a little vacation time during our work week by setting aside time to be together.  Time like Friday night movie nights and even impromptu going out to eat in where we set the dining room table a little fancier and have a special meal which may include something like scallops.

Though we've enjoyed our time at home, we're still looking forward to fitting in our typical two week vacation, traveling to Myrle Beach, SC next year.