Saturday, April 4, 2015

Turning Dreams into Reality

For the past seven days, my  friend Laurie and I have set aside time for self-discovery thanks to a recently released book called:

“The Art of Work: a proven path to discovering what you were meant to do” by Jeff Goins. 

In seven days we completed seven chapters – paths to becoming “what you were meant to be”.
1.       Awareness
2.       Apprenticeship
3.       Practice
4.       Discovery
5.       Profession
6.       Mastery
7.       Legacy

Throughout this study, Laurie and I have dreamed, shared our life journeys, and are on a path of discovery which won’t end as this study comes to a close.

What is my dream?   A life where I creatively use my photography and writing skills as a catalyst for empowering myself and others to create the life we are meant to live.  This blog is a part of that dream in action.

7-day Challenge – with action dreams become reality.

Are you wondering “what you were meant to do?”  If so, I’d like to encourage you to buddy up with someone (or a small group) and take seven days of self-discovery:  either consecutively or over a longer period of time, whatever works for you.  Though this certainly can be done alone, Laurie’s commitment, insights and feedback, were beneficial in having the clarity to move forward with meaning – to making my dream a reality.  Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.  Also, I’d be curious to find out if you’ve taken the challenge and how it’s going.

In closing:
Thank you Jeff Goins for writing, “The Art of Work”!  What a gift you have given me.
Laurie, thank you for a life altering seven days, you are a treasured friend.  

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